Saturday, October 10, 2009

I was alone ! wasnt I ??

Have u ever been alone, have u felt being by yourself. When you find immature ways to massacre your imperative time. The time which can be utilized in several fertile actions.
You feel like you are on an abandoned island. You try to talk to every possible intangible. You answer your shoes as they ask you to wear them rather park them in isolation. Mirror peeps into your pale face expecting you to get dressed and go out as you used to.

Who are you? Abruptly you ask yourself, and guess what? You have no answer.

Rohit didn’t deserve this, what he deserved was a massive chauffer driven car and an Aristocratic Mansion at posh locality, Money has no meaning for him now. He is dead, sorry almost dead.

Rohit desires to die, Rohit thinks, but who he is going to kill. Is he going to kill himself or the syndrome he is rearing since last throbbing six years? Yes, he is suffering from AIDS.

When you are living with HIV/AIDS, it is difficult to see any future. Being HIV positive does not mean the life is over. Some very famous people have been HIV positive and continued to have very successful lives.

Magic Johnson, the sports star. He is still alive at this time, and has shown that living with HIV/AIDS is not a requisite for becoming a solitary person. Magic Johnson truly made the world aware that anyone could be HIV positive, but still have a productive life. He promotes AIDS awareness rallies and seminars and will continue to be a role model, even though he is living with HIV/AIDS.

Trying to stay healthy can sound like an understatement. AIDS is not a death sentence but just another disease. Eat healthy and be productive. That’s the Mantra

Hey I see Rohit in his favorite tux!! He is so handsome……

I wished him “Take care and God bless”